...Just a Reminder...This story builds FROM THE BOTTOM UP...so if you're joining late, be sure to catch up by reading from the beginning...Thanks.

In case you're interested, we invite you to read Kyle's Story and Dylan's Story

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dylan!!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Ashley's brother, our son Dylan, turned 6 (SIX!!) years old today.

Here are a few photos from our family party and of the Birthday gift opening...

Ashers & her Grandmother

Ashley and Aunt Mary

Dylan and Aunt Rita (also celebrating her birthday!)

Happy Birthday Dylan.  We love you.
Love M/D/K/A.

Also, Kyle has lost his first tooth...it's not pretty but here it is...

I told you it wasn't pretty - it's not like I didn't warn you...

Anyway, it's all good here on the home front.

Hope to post more soon...